- Time: 9:00 A.M – 10:30 A.M, Thursday, May 24th, 2024
- Format: Online via Zoom
- Presenter: Professor Alandeom W. Oliveria and Dr. Hanh Dinh
- Moderator: Dr. Mary Dinh
- Registration link: https://forms.gle/dgmV1aJD8Kzy5PML6
- Alandeom W. Oliveira is a full professor of science education at the State University of New York at Albany. He is an internationally renowned scholar of STEM education whose research examines teacher professional development, teaching content to English Learners content-language integration, inquiry-based learning, teacher scaffolding of student learning through various forms of discourse (talk, writing, drawing, gestures, etc.). With nearly one hundred publications, his work has been featured in top research venues in the field such as Journal of Research in Science Teaching, International Journal of Science Education, and Science Education. He also published the books: (1) Science Teacher Preparation in Content-Based Second Language Acquisition; (2) Teaching the Content Areas to English Language Learners in Secondary Schools: English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies; and, (3) Evolution Education and the Rise of the Creationist Movement in Brazil. As a result of various international collaborations and funded grants, his research has research has spanned various countries, including Canada, Cambodia, USA, Turkey, Brazil, and Kazakhstan.
- Dr. Hanh Dinh is a lecturer and director of Multilingual Students Services at Vermont State University. She graduated from Ho Chi Minh University of Pedagogy and went on to get a master’s degree in TESOL from Murray State University and a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction from the State University of New York at Albany. Her research interests include STEM and English language integrated learning, intercultural communicative competence, teacher development, and bilingualism. She has been working with both teacher candidates and students in Vietnam, France, and the USA. Her work has been featured in journals related to both Applied Linguistics and Education such as Pragmatics and Cognition, Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, Languages, Journal for Multicultural Education, Journal of Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science, etc. and several book chapters with Springer and Routledge.
[Live Presentation] Introducing High School Physics Curriculum in the USA
Presenter: Dr. Alan Oliveira
This interactive presentation will introduce participants to important educational trends in the USA, focusing particularly on high school physics. Attention will be given specifically to the current state of secondary physics teaching and learning in the United States, national policies such as the Next Generation Science Standards, and favored educational approaches such inquiry-based teaching, evidence-based argumentation, engineering design challenges, and integrated STEM teaching.
[Live Presentation] From STEM to STEAM: The Advent of Art in STEM education
Presenter: Dr. Alan Oliveira
This interactive presentation will focus on the STEM to STEAM movement, which has recently emphasized integration of Art (aesthetically rich approaches) into STEM instruction. Attention will be given specifically to the incorporation of creative pedagogies such as digital photography, free/creative drawing, authorized cheat sheets into STEM lessons at the high school and university levels. Also discussed will be potential implications for student development of creativity, engagement, and conceptual understanding.
[Recorded Presentation] Full STEAM Ahead! Supporting English Learners through Art-Centered Integrated STEM Learning
Presenter: Dr. Hanh Dinh
This presentation will focus on the use of STEAM for teaching STEM content to English language learners. Attention will be paid specifically to how STEAM practices (photography, Tangram paper sculptures, dance, drawing) can be strategically adopted by high school STEM teachers to support English learners in content classrooms. Participants will be provided with practical guidance and be presented with recent theories, and findings of recent research.
The link to the recorded presentation and resources will be shared via emails for registered participants.