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✨Did you know that in the sky there are many wonders and interesting things waiting for you to discover? Do you want to review what your kids have learned and done in our sky-cracking STEAM class?

💖STEAM class – “Decoding the sky” is a class for children from 7 to 11 years old. Astronomical discovery is not only about conquering the sky but also about an endless passion for stories and knowledge about things beyond Earth. With practical learning and practice methods, Astronomy class has helped children get closer to the vast universe.

🌻The STEAM class decoding the sky with teachers from the Department of Physics – Technical Physics has formed and developed the skills of observation, reasoning, analysis, problem solving and creativity. Children were also exposed to basic scientific concepts and understood how the world around them worked.

📸Let’s review the memorable moments of the children in our STEAM class decoding the sky through the photo album below. If you would like more information about this or our other STEAM classes, contact us.

🥰Share the joy and pride with your children as they explore science and have fun with us!

📸Photos link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1icvANw-qarj8B-TGlWdl7-Epjpt4dsEa?usp=drive_link

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