🤔 Did you know that Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, but one of the coldest planets in the Solar System? Or does Mars have the highest volcano in the solar system, named Olympus Mons? Or does Jupiter have the biggest storm in the solar system, called the Great Red Spot?

🌞 These and more were discovered by the little ones during the last week of STEAM Discover the World Around You Summer Camp. Children not only learn about planets, but also experience augmented reality through games. The children were very excited and excited to play games and interact with planets.

🥰 We would like to thank the children and parents for trusting and supporting the STEAM Summer Camp. We hope the little ones had fun and meaningful learning moments. We look forward to seeing you again soon in the next courses.

📸 Photo link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1kb2S8YfVcoDVJvBKzjPlqc19FeXeFDrc?usp=drive_link

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