Forum Stage is a method to solve problems in life and society and is one of the methods for “social and emotional learning” (SEL) – this is an issue of widespread concern.

Why is it said that “The Forum Stage is a place where real-life situations are rehearsed without any cost”?

  • Theatre is the art of telling stories about people we can identify with, even if they are not known to us or are fictional characters.
  • Forums are where we discuss. People are free to express their opinions and debate freely.

Thus, when combining Stage and Forum, the audience will witness issues that are very close to the daily life of the community. Moreover, the audience will be empowered to directly contribute their own views and personal creativity in changing the situation happening on stage, towards a more ideal ending for our central character.

But… how to contribute and how to change? The secret will be revealed in the next post!

The group of students will work together on a Workshop related to Stage and Forum to share with those who are interested.


  • Share information and the meaning of the Forum Stage.
  • Participate in some activities to develop some skills on stage.
  • Create scenes in a play.
  • Understand the problem-solving process in a play of the Forum Stage.
  • Know some ways of coordinating and leading.


  • Registration link:
  • Time: Saturday, July 13, 2024, 9:00 – 16:00 (Lunch break: 11:45 – 13:00)
  • Location: Room I32, University of Science, VNU-HCM, campus 227 Nguyen Van Cu Street, Ward 4, District 5, Ho Chi Minh City
  • Target: Parents, Teachers, Students who are interested in SKDD as well as this method
  • Cost: Free
  • Registration deadline: 23:59 on July 11, 2024
  • Organizing support unit: Vinacraft and Faculty of Interdisciplinary Science, University of Science, VNU-HCM

The program is completely free as a way to give back what the group learned while receiving scholarships for the Forum Stage Course.

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